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Submitted by Anonymous on February 15, 2018 - 2:44 PM

There is a lot that could be done to actually promote innovation in accessibility. I don't think that the focus of this was useful, nor was the process. I’d suggest the following could be done to both CKAN & Drupal 8: could be reviewed against: - WCAG 2.1 AA - ARIA 1.1 - ATAG 2.0 AA These are relatively new & there is more work needed to address this within WET, Drupal 8 & CKAN. That requires a focus not on the documents, but on the system. • Building accessible drag/drop pattern & applying it to Drupal 8 would be useful. An accessible pattern to manage complicated Drag/Drop functionality just doesn’t exist on the internet. Someone needs to build that pattern. It fits into a challenge with Block Layouts in Drupal 8 that may or may not be part of the site in the future. • Building automated testing framework using Deque’s open-source aXe-core library There is some room to do this, but the aXe-core library isn’t geared at evaluating documents. It would be useful to have a consistent framework for evaluating accessibility that could be added to a continuous integration framework. This library could also be expanded to better evaluate how well sites meet WCAG 2.1, ARIA 1.1 & ATAG 2.0. • Integrating Deque’s open-source aXe library into CKEditor to replace existing CKEditor Accessibility Plugin The current plugin provided by CKEditor is using a library that is depreciated. This needs to be updated so that content editors can get immediate updates when they add or update a page using the WYSIWYG. • Evaluate CKAN & Drupal 8 for voice navigation with: - Dragon Naturally Speaking - Amazon’s Alexa There are far more people who use voice control tools like Dragon Naturally Speaking than who use screen reader. Unfortunately, there has been very little testing of how to use voice controls. may be inaccessible for people who use these now. It is unclear how a service like this would be useful to someone using Amazon’s Alexa, but it also isn’t clear if any thought has gone into how it might be useful. There is a lot more that could be done. These are just some initial ideas.
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