As part of our ongoing work to explore a future HR and pay solution for the government, I wanted to update you on our progress, particularly in terms of our efforts to engage and consult.
On December 13 we held a LeadersGC Twitter Chat, which is an online series hosted by public servants for public servants with nearly 4,000 subscribers. Throughout the hour we solicited feedback on NextGen and invited participants to submit their own questions to the NextGen team. We were very pleased with the high volume of interest, and I am happy to say that many participants praised the openness and transparency of our approach. We got some innovative suggestions, and a recap of the chat is now available on our website.
We are learning a lot from working in the open and we are soaking up the comments, feedback and questions we are receiving online from public servants across Canada.
As our next step, we will be engaging with public servants directly and in-person at user expos across the country. We are going to be putting the vendors to the test! The User Expo will give us an opportunity to, gather user insights as public servants will get an opportunity to test potential features of a new system and provide feedback. These user expos will be held both in the National Capital Region and in the regions starting next week and running through to February. Employees must remain at the centre of this process, and these sessions will provide further opportunity for hands-on input.
While this work serves as an opportunity to engage users across Canada, there is still much work ahead as part of the ongoing process to develop recommended options and plan for future testing and implementation.
As always, we are committed to working in the open and encourage you to connect with us and learn about our work via our website –, online with our hashtag #NextGenHRPay, or by email.
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User Expo
Submitted by Carole Ann Bilodeau on January 15, 2019 - 4:36 PM
User Expos
Submitted by Stephanie on January 15, 2019 - 7:41 PM
User Expo Locations
Submitted by Amanda Bernardo on January 22, 2019 - 1:43 AM
Feb 8th session at 1400 Merivale
Submitted by Farideh on February 01, 2019 - 8:44 PM
1400 Merivale
Submitted by Amanda on February 06, 2019 - 5:09 AM
NextGen User Expos
Submitted by Amanda Bernardo on January 15, 2019 - 10:27 PM
User Expo Information
Submitted by Michelle Toy on January 15, 2019 - 4:50 PM
Building Locations and Dates
Submitted by Amanda Bernardo on January 17, 2019 - 2:31 AM
Will there be more…
Submitted by Mackenzie on January 15, 2019 - 5:41 PM
Regional Dates
Submitted by Amanda on January 17, 2019 - 2:33 AM